Art Gallery


Tessellations (tes·sel·la·tion) are an arrangement of shapes closely fitted together, especially of polygons in a repeated pattern without gaps or overlapping.(Oxford Languages) Using this format I illustrate whimsical patterns & incredible worlds to connect people, ideas & community.

All tessellations below are available as greeting cards, prints and (quite possibly) textile designs. Interested in an existing piece or commission? Let’s connect!

jason @

Jason Panda is a Graphic Artist, Photographer and Educator living and creating in Ontario, Canada. He is passionate about belonging, collaboration and connecting with art.

BELONG TOGETHER .ca - A tile based project that builds connections, inspires creativity and creates stunning community mosaics.

COMPLEX ROOMS .com - Challenging take out escape games and custom team building experiences to puzzle groups of all sizes.

PANDA PRINTS .ca - My storefront for products, tiles and custom client designs.