Collaboration & Engagement

Community and connections are very important to me. They’re a core value and an anchor for everything that I do. Over the years I have created and coordinated a number of community engagement projects and I’m always looking for new opportunities and possibilities. Below are a few active projects along with some examples of  experiences that engaged community at festivals and events, while others were physical murals that connected many as we created awareness and / or celebrated together.

Interested in a Community Engagement Project? Let’s connect!

Belong Together (Creator)

This tile based project builds connections, inspires creativity and creates stunning community mosaics. (

KW Society of Artists (President since Oct ’23)

Established in 1931, KWSA is a vibrant community of 100+ artists… We network, share and create together. (

Complex Rooms Inc. (Co-Founder)

We create challenging take out escape games and custom team building experiences to puzzle groups of all sizes. (

Locally Connected (Photographer since Nov ’22)

A place where people come together to support and engage with their local businesses, fostering a sense of community and connectivity. (

Jason Panda is a Graphic Artist, Photographer and Educator living and creating in Ontario, Canada. He is passionate about belonging, collaboration and connecting with art.