Creative Projects

As a Multidisciplinary Artist with a passion for Belonging, my creations include everything from Illustration & Design to Coordination & Community Engagement …  It all depends on the nature of the message and project.

Need help with a community, celebration or graphic solution? Let’s connect!

No Two Projects Are The Same…

Designing Solutions

From families and schools to cities and corporations, I have designed player cards, theatrical posters, personalized puzzles, corporate logos and custom laser cut creations… but this only scratches the surface of what’s possible.

Each solution starts with a conversation and is customized to your unique needs and community.

Collaborative Art

I have created and coordinated a number of collaborative projects. While some were experiences to engage community at festivals and events, others were physical murals that connected many as we created awareness and / or celebrated together.

Event Photography

As a Professional Photographer and Photography Teacher with 15+ years experience, I capture the energy, story and connections of community celebrations, theatre productions and corporate events.

Belong Together

I created Belong Together to connect the Region during COVID. Since then I have sent tiles to organizations across North America and created custom tiles for community celebrations.

Escape Games

I founded Complex Rooms in 2017. And, while we closed our 5-star in-person rooms in 2022, today we focus on takeout and online Escape Games for families, friends and corporate events.

Jason Panda is a Graphic Artist, Photographer and Educator living and creating in Ontario, Canada. He is passionate about belonging, collaboration and connecting with art.